Attend our international online conference to understand the implications of regulatory changes and hear the global approaches to effectively assessing and managing PFAS in practice.
Learn from our panel of speakers from across the globe, as they share practical, first-hand insights in this solutions-focused discussion.
Hear the latest updates in international regulatory and scientific developments
Learn from first-hand experiences of contamination, assessment, remediation and management in practice across multiple sectors
Understand how to identify and address PFAS risks and contamination liabilities in your organisation and across the supply chain
Explore the impact of changing regulations for global practitioners
Come away with an understanding of innovative remediation solutions being applied in practice
To discuss speaking at or sponsoring this event please get in touch with​
Remediation Specialists
Land Quality specialists
Water Quality specialists
PFAS Leads
Environmental Scientists
Contaminated Land Specialists
Chemists, Scientist
Technical Directors
Environmental Professionals
Groundwater Specialists
Environment Analyst Core & Leader Members and Brownfield & Regeneration Network members can register for free.
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14.00 Welcome from Environment Analyst
14.05 Opening Remarks from the Chair
Taking a holistic view of the regulatory and market forces driving global changes to PFAS management
Shalene Thomas, Emerging Contaminants Program Manager, Battelle
14.10 International Regulatory & Scientific Development Updates​
Update on the latest drivers and regulatory changes nationally and across regions, examining progress being made on developing global approaches and strategies for tackling PFAS and recognising where these diverge and why.
Shalene Thomas, Emerging Contaminants Program Manager, Battelle
US EPA regulations and policies with respect to PFAS
Linda Gaines, Environmental Health Scientist, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Overview of the regulatory & management approaches on PFAS the Environment Agency is currently delivering and examining some specific regulatory approaches taken
Bojana Nanic, PFAS Lead, Chemicals Programme (Chemicals Regulatory Development Team), Environment Agency
Joe Caddy, Advisor to the Chemicals Department, Environment Agency
14:55 Identifying and Addressing PFAS Risks and Liabilities associated with an Organisation and its Supply Chain
Understanding the environmental risks and liabilities relating to PFAS contamination in different operating jurisdictions
Managing potential business and market share impact holistically through PFAS risk assessment, reduction and product replacement - case study examples
Integrating PFAS mitigation objectives into corporate and sustainability goals
Prioritizing research and development needs based on PFAS replacement strategies
Dora Chiang, Global Principal, PFAS and Emerging Contaminants, Jacobs
Viju Vasishta, Sustainable Materials and Packaging Lead, PA Consulting
Mohamed Ateia Ibrahim, Environmental Engineer and Group Leader, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Anna Forsgren, Senior Compliance and Sustainability Manager, Marshall Group
15.30 PFAS Sampling and Analysis: A Laboratory Perspective
Assessing the impact of new minimum contaminant levels on PFAS sampling and analysis and the possible levels of accuracy
Examining recent trends and developments in PFAS measurement
Exploring the challenges to data analysis, portable testing and measuring different PFAS within resourcing constraints:
Facilitating accurate and rapid on-site detection and characterisation
Clare Llowarch, Technical Director, i2 Analytical
15.50 Case Studies of Environmental Risk Management
Environmental liability – addressing onsite and offsite contamination, stakeholder and media issues
Product value chain – mapping the use of fluoropolymers and potential alternatives
Due diligence – PFAS enterprise risk management in deal making Comment end ​
Dirk Nuyens, Senior Subject Matter Expert, PFAS, ERM
Jo Lloyd, Partner, ERM
16.05 Short Comfort Break
16.15 Welcome back from the Chair
Nin Prakash, Global Contaminated Land Lead, AWS
16.25 A Practical Guide to PFAS Remediation
This session will explore novel approaches being taken for PFAS-contaminated environmental and waste management media, including existing and emerging concentration and destruction techniques, with practical examples of their application.
Discuss the relative benefit of environmental remediation versus reduction of use and emissions on current and future human health
Introduce the range and technology readiness of PFAS concentration and destruction technologies under development
Prioritize which environmental and waste management media make sense to treat from a benefit-cost perspective and why
For each media, outline existing and upcoming treatment pathways, including relative costs and energy usage and final PFAS fate
Ali Ling, PhD, PE, Assistant Professor Civil Engineering, University of St Thomas, US
16.40 Tackling PFAS in the Water Industry
Outlining how water companies are responding to the emerging risk from PFAS
Detailing the investigations at Southern Water
Understanding the challenges and potential solutions
Emma Butcher, Senior Catchment Specialist, Southern Water
Emma Butcher, Senior Catchment Specialist, Southern Water
Bethany Fairley, Catchment Management Specialist, Southern Water
17.05 Examining the First National Assessment of PFAS Contamination In England's Aquatic Waterbodies
Using data acquired from the Environment Agency's water quality monitoring network
Sampling 41 PFAS across three waterbody types (surface waters, groundwater, and coastal waters) at 850 sites,
Understanding the data and the factors that may influence these results
Highlighting key areas for further research, particularly for future national studies
Raghav Patel, Hydrogeologist, BGS
17.20 Forward Thinking PFAS Solutions
This session will provide insight into emerging technological and strategic solutions to solve some of the key challenges associated with tackling PFAS. It will look at proactive initiatives to move from waste remediation to safer alternatives and work on an approach summarised by Detect, Absorb, Destroy and Substitute.
Mohamed Ateia Ibrahim, Environmental Engineer and Group Leader, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)​
Michael Wong, Professor and Chair, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University, US
Emil Damgaard-Moller, Senior Chemistry Consultant, Danish Technological Institute
17.50 Closing Thoughts: Implications of PFAS and Emerging Contaminants for Future Generations
The Chair will close the conference with a look to the future and the potential to positively impact on the legacy of these “forever chemicals” for future generations.
18.00 Close of Conference

Bojana Nanic
PFAS Lead, Chemicals Programme (Chemicals Regulatory Development Team)
Environment Agency
My current work focuses on leadership and coordination of PFAS programme delivery in the Chemicals Programme at the Environment Agency, cutting across legacy contamination issues, sector prioritisation and risk evaluation work, engagement with regulated industry and permitting process; and working collaboratively with other government agencies to influence and direct national approaches on management of chemicals, including PFAS.

Dora Chiang
Global Principal, PFAS and Emerging Contaminants
Dr. Dora Chiang is Global Principal for PFAS and emerging contaminants at Jacobs. She has 25 years of consulting experience and has multiple global practice leader and technical director roles throughout her career. Since 2012 she has collaborated with universities and clients to investigate the nature and extent of PFAS and other emerging contaminants, develop and demonstrate innovative solutions that separate, concentrate, and destroy PFAS, and strategize source reduction for PFAS management sustainably and safely. She is an invited speaker at national and international conferences, author of multiple peer-reviewed journal articles, technical lead of numerous local, state, federal, industrial projects. She serves as principal investigator (PI) of multiple US DOD funded PFAS technology development projects.

Ali Ling, PhD, PE
Assistant Professor Civil Engineering,Director
University of St Thomas, US
Ali is an assistant professor in the Civil Engineering department at the University of St. Thomas, where she helps students learn to solve complex problems. In her research, she applies systems thinking to emerging contaminants to better understand economic, environmental, and human health impacts of their use, management, and treatment. Prior to joining St. Thomas, Ali spent ten years in consulting designing and troubleshooting water and wastewater treatment systems.

Emma Butcher
Senior Catchment Specialist
Southern Water
Emma has worked in Water Quality for over 8 years working in a variety of roles including Customer Service Water Quality Scientist, Operational Catchment Manager and Continuous Improvement Specialist. In 2022 Emma took up the role of Senior Catchment Specialist at Southern Water and more recently, along with her colleague Beth, set up the Catchment PFAS Working Group, bringing together 20 water companies from across the UK and Channel Islands.

Emil Damgaard-Moller
Senior Chemistry Consultant
Danish Technological Institute
Emil is a consultant with a background in materials chemistry, specializing in the mitigation and phase-out of PFAS materials. His work includes substituting fluoropolymers in high-performance products, developing AI solutions for PFAS mitigation, educating production companies on PFAS avoidance, and assisting the textile industry in phasing out and identifying PFAS in products and processes.

Shalene Thomas
Emerging Contaminants Program Manager
Shalene Thomas is the Senior Global Emerging Contaminant Program Manager for Battelle. She has more than 26 years of experience in environmental consulting that includes nearly 18 years of experience supporting per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) evaluations. She has supported State, Federal and industrial clients in 32 different states in nine of the 10 USEPA regions as well as in Europe, Australia and Canada.
Joe Caddy
Advisor to the Chemicals Department
Environment Agency
I have spent nearly 5 years of my career within the Environment Agency. The first few years were spent in a national operational role, in which I monitored compliance with and enforced regulations on Persistent Organic Pollutants, mercury and REACH. I now sit as an advisor in the Chemicals Regulatory Development Team, helping to shape the EAs regulatory approach for PFAS. Over the past few years most of my focus has been regarding sites which use, or have historically used, PFAS containing firefighting foams.

Dirk Nuyens
Senior Subject Matter Expert, PFAS
Dirk NUYENS PhD sc is a Senior Partner of ERM and Global Account Director for 3M and has more than 25 years of experience in the management of ESG enterprise business risks for large multinational companies.
Dirk oversees one of the largest PFAS projects in Europe (3M Zwijndrecht/Antwerp, Belgium), managing the environmental liabilities (including the decommissioning & waste management) and the complex stakeholder communication within an evolving regulatory & policy context, and 3M deciding to step out of PFAS manufacturing.

Raghav Patel
I am a hydrogeologist at the BGS, having recently earned my BSc in Geology from the University of East Anglia. During my studies, I completed a placement year with Norfolk County Council’s closed landfill team. With them, I completed my dissertation looking at PFAS behaviour and fate from landfill sources across sites in Norfolk. Currently, my main areas of interest and expertise are in groundwater contamination and water quality, particularly with Emerging Organic Contaminants.

Mohamed Ateia Ibrahim
Environmental Engineer and Group Leader
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Dr. Mohamed (Moha) Ateia Ibrahim is Group Leader with the U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development. Moha combines his expertise in environmental chemistry and materials chemistry to develop and evaluate innovative water treatment technologies to remove and/or degrade emerging contaminants, such as PFAS and microplastics. In parallel, Moha has initiated and is currently leading a multi-agencies project to evaluate the environmental impacts of PFAS-replacement chemicals and formulations in firefighting foams and consumer products. He is a member of the Weapons Systems and Platforms Technical Committee of fluorine-free foams (F3) for the U.S. Department of Defense’s SERDP-ESTCP Program. Moha is also an Adj. Assistant Professor at Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department, Rice University.

Viju Vasishta
Sustainable Materials and Packaging Lead
PA Consulting
Viju is an experienced Chemical Engineer with over 15 years of specialized experience in the development of novel materials and sustainable technologies. She currently leads PA’s Sustainable Materials Innovation and Transformation division, where she drives cutting-edge initiatives focused on biobased materials, biomaterials, and PFAS-free technologies. Her work is centred on delivering innovative solutions that support sustainability across a wide range of industries.
She is at the forefront of large-scale programs aimed at replacing conventional PFAS-based coatings with sustainable, PFAS-free alternatives in industries including packaging, medical devices, and related sectors.
She works closely with academic institutions, industry leaders, and clients to foster breakthrough innovations in the PFAS space. By leveraging PA’s extensive technical network, she drives the development of cutting-edge treatment technologies that address complex sustainability challenges.
She plays a pivotal role in transitioning these technologies from the laboratory to commercial application, ensuring that scientific advancements are effectively scaled and brought to market.

Linda Gaines
Environmental Health Scientist
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Linda Gaines is an environmental engineer and environmental health scientist. She has worked on environmental site assessments, water and wastewater work, air permits, and hazardous waste permits. After earning her Professional Engineer’s license, she earned her Ph.D. focusing on environmental health. She maintains the Regional Screening Levels and is the Superfund subject matter expert for PFAS.

Clare Llowarch
Technical Director
i2 Analytical
Profile coming soon...

Jo Lloyd
Jo Lloyd PhD is Partner in ERM’s Sustainable Product and Supply Chain team. A chemist with 25 + years chemical management experience, including REACH and Substances of Concern, Jo has led projects providing input on EU REACH restriction consultations on PFAS, microplastics and other plastic additives and input on WBCSD SDG roadmap. Jo works with industry associations related to the fluoropolymer supply chain including oil and gas, semiconductor, electronics and manufacturing sectors. She also routinely leads product stewardship due diligence and compliance assessment projects.

Bethany Fairley
Catchment Management Specialist
Southern Water
Beth has over 7 years of experience in Catchment Management within the water utilities industry. In her current role as a Catchment Management Specialist at Southern Water, she focuses on developing and implementing strategies to protect drinking water quality. Alongside her colleague Emma, Beth facilitates the Catchment PFAS Working Group, which brings together 20 water companies from across the UK and Channel Islands. This group aims to address the challenge of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in water sources. Recently, Beth has been involved in catchment investigations to identify and understand the sources of PFAS that are impacting raw water quality.

Michael Wong
Professor and Chair, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Rice University, US
Michael S. Wong, Ph.D, is professor and chair of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University (Houston, Texas). He is also professor of Chemistry, of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and of Materials Science and Nano Engineering. He holds the Tina and Sunit Patel Chair in Molecular Nanotechnology. He is Research Thrust Leader in the NEWT (Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment) Center and in the Rice WaTER Institute. His research team has authored over 200 publications, cited over 17,000 times. He received the Lawrence K. Cecil Award, the highest environmental honor in chemical engineering. He is a Fellow of AIChE, ACS, and RSC.

Anna Forsgren
Senior Compliance and Sustainability Manager
Marshall Group
Anna Forsgren, Product Compliance & Sustainability manager at Marshall Group, has long experience in the chemical, regulatory and sustainability field.
Former at companies like Intertek, WSP and Akzo Nobel her experience include chemical advisory and testing services, project management of major RoHS and REACH implementation projects for Swedish and international companies, as well as advising and training in health, safety and environmental legislation, environmental auditing, sustainability and environmental programs within chemical industry, construction and real estate sectors.
Her current work at Marshall involves certification of audio electronics for a global market combined with improving the product sustainability and reducing hazardous substances.

Nin Prakash
Global Land Contamination Lead
Amazon Web Services
Nin has 25 years' experience in the effective management of environmental liabilities and successful redevelopment of brownfield sites in the UK, Europe, MENAI and APAC. He has held a number of technical and management roles in consultancy as well as delivering turnkey demolition and remediation projects globally. His current role at AWS is focussed on bolstering and managing our infrastructure as we continue to meet customer demand.